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Built Out Digital Asset Management System to Scale Royalties 400%

SoundExchange is the independent nonprofit collective management organization that collects and distributes digital performance royalties to artists and copyright holders.


“Streaming music is a booming market, and our systems needed to keep pace. Ten Mile Square helped us build out multiple systems that have helped us process royalty payments accurately and quickly to put us in a good position technically going forward.”

Build Reliable and Scalable Royalty Management Platform

The newly hired CTO of SoundExchange was faced with a royalty management platform that had significant reliability and scaling challenges. The company had a goal to increase the frequency of royalty payments to artists, labels, and rights holders from quarterly to monthly while scaling total royalties paid at more than 30% per year.

Exceeded our Goals: Scaled Royalties Collected from $265M to $1B

Across more than 20 engagements, Ten Mile Square successfully helped SoundExchange scale its royalty payments systems. The original platform was a monolithic architecture with significant technical debt, deferred maintenance, and obsolescence. Commercially available royalty management software could not manage the 24M+ accounts for US royalty payments, much less the requirements for foreign collections and payments.

Ten Mile Square worked with the leadership team at SoundExchange to layout a multi-generation digital transformation strategy. From 2012 to 2015, we worked with the SoundExchange team on system architecture, technology infrastructure, agile software development practices, and software development exercises for their key business systems: license management, repertoire management, and rights management.

Built a large accounting system to process 100M+ subaccounts efficiently to support faster royalty collection and payments to artists, labels, and performers for streaming and satellite music:
SoundExchange exceeded its scaling goals and successfully moved from quarterly to monthly payments to rights holders.

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